Bookings and Appointments
How can I book in?
Give us a call on 0407 720 789, send us an sms on the same number, or contact us through Facebook or Instagram. Let us know what days and times suit you and how long your hair is. A few pictures of your hair would be helpful too.
For new installations you have the option to come to a free consult. it's a great way to learn all about how we make dreadlocks, and you can ask any questions you may have. To book your install you will need to pay a $100 non refundable deposit. This includes a $75 non refundable deposit and a $25 bottle of residue free dreadlock shampoo. You will then need to wash your hair with the shampoo at least 3 times before your install. And remember: NO CONDITIONER!
Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?
Of course! The more the merrier! Our space is only small, but you are more than welcome to bring your children, partner or friends. We provide snacks such as bliss balls, dip and biscuits. Lunch is also provided if you are here at lunch time on an install day. Please let us know in advance if you are bringing someone with you.
Can I come to my appointment if I am sick?
We would rather you reschedule your appointment if you, or someone you are bringing with you, is sick. We have had clients come when they are unwell and contagious and it has lead to us needing to close the business and reschedule all clients for a week. It's a logistical nightmare!
What if I can't make it to my appointment?
Pleases let us know if you need to reschedule or cancel your booking. Our service is quite popular and we often have a waiting list of clients wanting to book in. This helps us fill late minute cancellations.
Non attendance without prior communication for any installation appointment will mean a forfeit of your deposit. You may request to reschedule your installation appointment once only, and with at least 48 hours notice. If you can't attend your next installation appointment then a new deposit will need to be paid before you can book in again.
The cost of the deposit can not be transferred to another service 0r product.
Non attendance for any maintenance session without prior communication, or less that 24 hours notice, will mean an additional cost of $65 - $70 is added to your next appointment.
How much does a full head of dreads cost?
Measuring from the crown to the end of the longest length of hair:
10-20 cm: $400 (jaw length)
20-40 cm: $550 (shoulder length)
40-60 cm: $650 (mid back)
60-80 cm: $750 (low back)
80-100 cm: $850 (bum length)
There is a minimum charge of $275 for every dreadlock install.
For every new set of dreadlocks we will teach you how to do your own maintenance for free on the day.
How much do you charge for extensions?
The cost for extensions depends on a few factors:
How long is your hair and does it need to be dreaded?
Please see above for approximate costs for installation.
How long do you want the extensions?
This determines the hair cost. Please see below.
How many extensions do you need? Please see below for the cost of an average set of extensions (50-70) Costs may vary if more are needed, or if the extensions are very thick.
16" $320
20" $480
24" $640
The cost of the human hair is as follows:
16 inches - $300
20 inches - $450
24 inches - $600
These costs may vary depending on how thick your hair is, if you need multiple shades and how many dreadlocks you need.
The hourly rate is the same as for installation. Please see above.
How much does it cost to install extensions?
We cam usually install 10 pre-made extensions per hour. Please see our hourly rate for more info.
What payment options are available?
We accept cash and EFTPOS. Returning customers may also pay via bank transfer.
Do you have gift vouchers available?
Yes! And they make a great gift for the dreaded person in your life!
How much do consults cost?
We offer free consults here at Southern Dreadlocks.
Dreadlock and Extension Aftercare
What will my new dreads feel and look like?
New dreadlocks are a bit stiff and have a woven or manufactured look to them. They will lose this look as they mature over the next 6-12 months.
How do I care for my new dreads?
After they first go in we recommend not getting them wet for 1 month. This will help them lock up and prevent them becoming too fluffy. If you need to get them wet within the first month it won't be a huge problem, but may lead to them being a bit fluffier than they would otherwise have been. To keep your new dreads looking tidy you should palm roll them and stretch them after washing. a little TLC goes a LONG way! We will also teach you how to use a dreadlock tool to keep them tight and tidy.
How do I care for my new extensions?
As the hair used to make extensions isn't connected to the scalp it needs to be kept moisturised in order to remain healthy. For this we recommend argon oil or coconut oil. If you want to keep your extensions in for a long time you will need to care for them properly and not let them get too dry.
How do I wash my dreads?
It's most important to wash your scalp. A healthy clean scalp means healthy clean dreads. As you rinse out the shampoo it will clean your dreads from the inside out. That's all the washing they need as long as you don't use wax or other nasty products that leave reside in your dreads.
Should I use wax in my dreads?
NO! This will leave a residue in your dreads that can lead to mould or bacterial growth. We recommend Tropical Tightening Gel if you want to tame those frizzies. See our products page if you want to check it out.
How long will maintenance take on my dreadlocks?
We offer maintenance in 2 session lengths:
Roots and Regrowth - all the loose hair and new growth at the scalp and base of the dreadlock is pulled in and tidied. This usually takes 1-3 hours on the average head of dreads. This depends on how much loose hair there is and how many dreads you have.
Top to Bottom - the entire length of the dreadlock is tightened up from root to tip. This usually takes 3 hours + depending on the condition of your dreads and how many you have.
Can I do my maintenance myself?
Yes! It's a simple process to learn. We are happy to teach you during any installation or maintenance session here at Southern Dreadlocks.
Do I need to wash my dreads before a maintenance session?
Yes you do. Please wash it the day before your appointment. It needs to be clean and dry for the hair to hold in the centre of the dreadlock.
How often do I have to get maintenance?
It's totally up to you and the style you want. Some clients never have maintenance, some get it done every 3 months, and some once or twice a year. As long as you keep your dreads clean and separated they will continue to dread up on their own.
Can I still come to an appointment if I have head lice?
No, you will need to be head lice free in order to come for a session. We can help with advice on how to rid your dreads of lice if you need it. We also sell a natural neem oil based nit serum here at Southern Dreadlocks.
Other Questions
How long does my hair need to be to get dreadlocks?
We can make dreadlocks with only 10 cm of your natural hair. They will look a bit crazy for the first few weeks, but should settle quickly.
How long does my hair need to be to get extensions?
For extensions you will need a minimum length of 10 cm. It can be done on shorter hair but it is much more likely to be weaker at the join.
Will I lose much hair length when I get new dreads installed?
With our methods of installation you won't lose much length at all. The most loss of length comes with blunted ends as the tapered end is pulled up inside the dreadlock. How much length is lost depends on how long the tapered end is. The more hair breakage you have, the longer the taper will be. If you want your dreads to be as long as possible we recommend tapered ends. These can always be blunted at a later date. As your dreads mature they will shrink up and thicken up. This is where palm rolling and stretching them will help keep as much length as possible.
Do I need to shave my head if I don't want dreads anymore?
No. They can be gently unpicked as long as the hair isn't too damaged. See 'Services' for dreadlock removal.
Please feel free to contact us if we haven't answered your questions here